Command+Edit Podcast

The post-production podcast that goes beyond the desk


Have you tried turning it off and on? : Cmd+Edit 029

Nick MontgomeryComment

In this episode we follow up our previous topic from Episode 28 about goal setting for success.

As Homer Simpson once said...


The wise sage Homer Simpson

And in a way...he's absolutely right!

You are bound to fail. Everybody does! Nobody succeeds on the first try. And if you do, you are a superhuman and we should be worshipping you accordingly. But it's more likely that you are only human like the rest of us.

When we fail, we tend to let it affect our motivation and sometimes throw in the towel right then and there. But you've set your goals for a reason: they are things you truly WANT to achieve. So don't let a little thing like FAILURE stand in your way.

We discuss 4 steps (or 5, depending on whether you listen to Josh or Nick the most) you can immediately take upon failure that will get you back on the proverbial horse. A sort of...resetting if you will. Pressing "continue" on that Game Over screen.

Video game continue screen

The steps are summed up as:

  1. Determine what led to your "Game Over"

  2. Come up with a strategy and hit "Continue"

  3. Track your progress often to recognize when you go off course

  4. forgive yourself: Remember that failures Are an essential part of reaching your goal. learn from them!